3 min readMay 28, 2020

As we find ourselves staying at home, it may be becoming difficult finding new ways to keep your children entertained. We’ve put together some ways to keep the fun going — both indoors and outdoors.

With help from our uber creative MBPeep, Gillian, here are our favourite ways to keep the wee ones entertained while #stayinghome.

7. Den Making

Ahh, den making. The ultimate pastime. It’s so simple, and the fun can last for hours. This is a great activity for the kids to problem solve and use their imaginations (and allows us adults to relive our childhood, of course). Whether it’s a combination of sheets and chairs or cardboard boxes and blankets, you can make your den however you like. The key to the den making? Throw in every single cushion you can find in your house. The more you have, the more it feels like a nook of dreams that you all will probably just never want to take down. And then voila, heaven. Tag us on Instagram (@mbpltd), and show us your set-up!

6. Pasta Restaurant

This involves getting a load of dried pasta of different shapes, some bowls/boxes/pans, spoons, plastic plates and even some plastic money if you have it. Lay it all out then get the little ones to start spooning out the pasta and “selling” it. They enjoy this, and it is relatively easy to clean up.

5. Lolly Making

Everybody loves an ice lolly! It’s one of the easier things to make with little ones. Put some yoghurt in a bowl, then add flavourings — such as lemon and tumeric, or squished blueberries and honey. It can also be done with any fruit juice or with coconut milk as a base. Pour the yoghurt into lolly holders and pop into the freezer. It is a real thrill to take the lollies out of the freezer when they are done! We totally recommend you give this one a go.

4. Old Fashioned Movie Time

This works best when you choose a movie you — as the parent — would actually enjoy! It provides a welcome break to Paw Patrol being on a continuous loop. Disney + is a great resource for old time classics that are magical and funny for adults too. Our favourites include “Aristocats”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” and “Peter Pan”. Set up the sofa, cuddle under a favourite blanket, get some popcorn. Enjoy it for as long as you can!

3. Building Site/Swimming Pool

If you have a garden, this can be achieved by pulling together a pile of soil or sand and stones or allowing the little ones to “dig” in a certain small area. They take their diggers and tractors and pretend it is a building site.

If you don’t have a garden, you can make a “swimming pool” instead — fill a washing up bowl with water at the sink — then get plastic toys such as dinosaurs or animals and let them all go for a “swim”.

2. Seed Planting

Now is good time to have a go at growing. The easiest way to do this is to purchase a small packet of seeds at the supermarket, save a handful of empty yoghurt pots, then fill them with soil. Get the children to make a planting hole with their finger, drop in the seed and cover it back up again. Everyone can check on the growth daily and give the seeds a bit of a water when they need it.

1. Dance Party

When in doubt, dance it out. Turn on your favourite kid-friendly jams and get grooving. There are plenty of family dance workshops to follow along to, or of course, just freestyle!

We hope you find these projects as useful, helpful and fun as we do. These cost-effective kids’ activities should keep them entertained and happy, all while making memories they surely won’t forget.




MBP LTD are an award-winning production company based in Edinburgh, Scotland. www.mbpltd.com